Thursday, December 29, 2011
Doggonit - sick again. No kidding. Started getting "it" the Wednesday before Xmas & did my best to ignore it with four out of town house guests on the way & 20 people coming for Xmas Eve dinner & making sure all the little kiddies "Santa" dreams came true and well, .........good thing everyone was gone & the mess cleaned up cause I went down like a mighty timber & feeling like I can't wait for the timber haulers to come scrape me up & send me to the sawdust factory! Got a doctor appt tomorrow - if I last that long!
Anyway, I'll try to get by your blogs cause I miss y'all & can't wait to see what's up.
Sending "air ((HUGS)) cause I don't want anyone to get this rotten nasty bug I got.
Be back ASAP hopefully with something waaaay more interesting than this silly post.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
What Better Time Than Christmas For Nostalgia....
With all the razzle-dazzle-FRAZZLE of the holiday's, I think the very best part is the "looking back" and remembering times of the treasured past. Somehow all things not so good disappear and we look fondly at the love & h appiness that our folks, friends, and family gave to us. The greatest gift of all, no matter how rich or poor, the gift of love, laughter and treasured memories of days gone by. So today I'm going to share just a few things that were/are my "gifts"
First of all, me & my sis on one of our many exciting visits to see Santa. Mom took us every year from my earliest memories to Hale's on K Street, where she got a job every year gift wrapping presents so me & my sister could have THE most magical Christmases ever. There were many years of these pictures but unfortunately this is the only one that still exists or that I can find. It's pretty funny I know - we look like funny little dorks, but oh my, did mom dress us like a couple of dollies. I wish you could see the gorgeous "finery" in this picture - exquisite. It's what she wrapped all those presents for. And did we feel like the cat's pajama's! She took us all around the store to show us off, and it was THE most special treat to stop at the perfume department & the pretty sales lady would say how beautiful we were and put a special dab of expensive perfume behind our ears! Me & my sister, Paula
First of all, me & my sis on one of our many exciting visits to see Santa. Mom took us every year from my earliest memories to Hale's on K Street, where she got a job every year gift wrapping presents so me & my sister could have THE most magical Christmases ever. There were many years of these pictures but unfortunately this is the only one that still exists or that I can find. It's pretty funny I know - we look like funny little dorks, but oh my, did mom dress us like a couple of dollies. I wish you could see the gorgeous "finery" in this picture - exquisite. It's what she wrapped all those presents for. And did we feel like the cat's pajama's! She took us all around the store to show us off, and it was THE most special treat to stop at the perfume department & the pretty sales lady would say how beautiful we were and put a special dab of expensive perfume behind our ears! Me & my sister, Paula
(Is it okay if I say...Dammit I miss her so bad!!!! - Thank you for indulging me)
Next is a sweet note I got from my beautiful cousin Karen, who is also my lifelong best friend - she sizes it all up with her words:
Merry Christmas Friends,
I know you're busy but you need a little rest and this will bring a smile to your face.
Get comfy and close your little eyes and drift back to your childhood Christmas's. SO exciting, especially Christmas Eve! We knew we had to get to sleep so Santa could come but were so revved up it took a little while so we'd slowly slip into dreamland thinking of all the wanted gifts that Santa would leave under the tree.
Do you remember the jammies you had on? Maybe they were the ones Auntie gave you at Christmas Eve celebration which was a kick! Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and lots of cookies, candy and cakes, preceded by "sensible" food, some of which may have been traditional and/or special ethnic foods with tastes and smells
that were only experienced at very special occasions.
Wake up! Wake up! HO HO HO. Guess who visited us and he did eat the cookies we left him. Remember how your new dolls smelled and how shiny and soft their pretty curls were? And how about that new bike or those new ice skates or roller skates with the key to tighten the clamps so they wouldn't fall off (but they always did).
Perfectly magical wasn't it? If you really float back to these times, you can almost hear the laughter, smell all the "once a year" smells and feel again how our little hearts were brimming with excitement and, after all gifts were opened and tried, a soft contentment.
Isn't she so right!
And lastly, I visited my dear friend Hepcat's Blog last night & found a great old Christmas video of "Frank & Bing" (no need for last names, right?!) and asked him if he minded if I share it here with you. He very kindly said NO! Haha - he was just kidding of course, so I thank him and share it with you & hope it gives you the sweet memories & feelings it gave to me. Enjoy!
Well, I did that UNsuccessfully, but do click on the link - you'll be glad you did.
Merry Christmas my friends - make memories!
And A One & A Two & Ah......
Got this from a friend & HAD to share it here - We could all use a bit of a laugh about now, right?! Here is the comment that came with it:
The Lawrence Welk Show was on weekly starting in 1951 and still has some following for reruns. Welk was like Ed Sullivan, in that, they were always in charge, no sense of humor, and very stiff. At times on the show, Welk would have cast members dance with audience members. In this video, Welk and Bobby Burgess dance with a woman from the audience, but lose complete control of the situation!!
And a one & a two & a.... Ho-Ho-Ho!
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Ho-Ho-Ho! This Girl Believes!
Okay so I'm already frazzled to the core with getting ready for the big day & in 7 more days Big Daddy will probably start processing the committment papers to have me put away. Not even one second for picking and I was starting to get the heeby-geeby's real bad when yesterday I was hell bent for one of the malls (I HATE MALLS!) when I drove by this thrift store & a lady was putting out a couple of chairs that NEARLY made me slam on the breaks - but NO, I kept on going, focussed on my mission - no time to stop......no picking money. Hey, it's Christmas, right? I spent my picking allowance already buying supplies for projects, etc. KEEP GOING VICKIE. And I did. I kept right on going. An hour later, mission complete, I decided I'd just do a quick drive-by at the thrift store. Surely someone snagged those gorgeous chairs, and besides, there was only two - who wants just two chairs. This was my story to myself. Just a quick drive-by to see the empty space where the two chairs were.........And then there were FOUR, and then there were EIGHT! OhhhhMYgawd. Ok, will power down the drain. I stopped - just curious. They'd be too expensive for me anyway since I'm a penniless pauper. Just take a peek so I'd know I couldn't afford them anyway.
ON SALE - 50% OFF. Which as the sales lady put it, "two for the price of one" which was already a stunningly low price. Need I say more?????
So here's some "before" shots of the dirty EIGHT chairs I bought. I spent the rest of the day scrubbing them - they were really gnarley dirty - with Hepcat's totally awesome "Awesome" - took a bit of elbow grease but boy does that stuff work!
And.....Drum Roll.....Here are my new Thonet, made in Poland, 1950's chairs! Are they show-stoppers or what?!
And here is the other style - slightly different & still gorgeous!
ON SALE - 50% OFF. Which as the sales lady put it, "two for the price of one" which was already a stunningly low price. Need I say more?????
So here's some "before" shots of the dirty EIGHT chairs I bought. I spent the rest of the day scrubbing them - they were really gnarley dirty - with Hepcat's totally awesome "Awesome" - took a bit of elbow grease but boy does that stuff work!
And.....Drum Roll.....Here are my new Thonet, made in Poland, 1950's chairs! Are they show-stoppers or what?!
And here is the other style - slightly different & still gorgeous!
**By the way, Big Daddy will just have to wait for that Tag Hauer (wink-wink) watch I was planning to get him. He'll understand, I know he will, don't you think?**
So, if anyone wonders why an old babe like me still believes in Santa, well, there he is, right there, watching over me & making sure at least one Christmas wish came true! ;- )
(and so will the person that finds them in the store and loves them too!)
Thank you Santa ;- )
Hope y'all are having a great holiday season!
Sunday, December 11, 2011
A VERY Grand Announcement!
This is my friend Nelly. How do I know she's my friend? Because she say's My Friend's Call Me Nelly on her (fantastic) blog, so I call her Nelly, and well, you do the math :- )
Rather Queenly don't you think?
She is sometimes called Queen Nelly because first of all, she was simply born to it, and secondly, she is THE Queen of vintage frockery!
Who says a Queen must be an old frump? Not Queen Nelly! Nosiree, she has her very own Queendom of PIZAZZ!
And being the kind, gracious, gorgeous Queen of vintage PIZAZZ that she is, she has declared she will share the wealth of her finest royal vintage frockery with the world and we here at Sponge Curlers & Cupcakes proudly announce

The VERY grandest opening of
So okay all my loyal followers - all 5 of you :- ) (I love & appreciate you very much) - get on over to Nelly's store, bring your BIGGEST shopping bags & your lowest balance credit card and SHOP in Queenly style! PASS THE WORD! (and the link!)
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Christmas Potpourri
Hello! And I hope your holiday season isn't as hectic & crazy as mine is becomming - but I know it is! It's THAT time of the year after all. Haven't had any time in the past two weeks to do any picking (getting the DT's I tell ya!) but thought I'd share a bit of holiday this & that. First of all I want you to know I got busted by a neighbor driving by this morning at 6:48, out in the front yard in my pajamas & scarecrow hair taking this pic of Big Daddy's effort to get the outside of the house in the holiday spirit. Since we're now empty nester's with no young blood to assist, I was a bit worried about Big Daddy climbing on the ladder. Since he's also my Sugar Daddy ;- ) I sure don't want him taking a tumble off the damn thing! No siree! So I was the assistant this year with a white knuckles grip on both legs - his and the ladders! So here's the result. Not gonna be on the list of drive-by sites to see, but still, here's our "Welcome" to Santa Baby to let him know that little momma still hangs her stocking with care in case he's got a bit of bling in the old sack of goodies ;- )
I really love my "blow molds" - which I didn't even know they were called that until reading (& seeing) "Z-mama's" at her blog. She's got a great collection & I hope to expand mine in the future. My beautiful neice Colette gave me the Santa last year & I found Frosty the Snowman at the Goodwill for 5 bucks this year!
Last weekend was a special one - I took my granddaughter, the lovely growing-up-waaay-too-fast, Tessa Belle, on the Polar Express which is an annual (very special) event put on by the California Railroad Museum here in Sacramento. We went with other family members and oh what a wonderful experience! If you're local or anywhere in the area do try to do it sometime with your little ones. Most people (little & big alike) wear pajama's & slippers and the old train takes a nearly two hour trip down the tracks and re-enacts the movie with dancing and characters serving hot chocolate & cookies. It ends at the "North Pole" and Santa appears on the train to hand out bells to those who "believe". So here's me & my Miss Bella in our coordinating jammies & slippers on our way to a fun day, as well as a couple of other pics (of which I took HUNDREDS) on the train
And if you have someone on your Christmas list that LOVES gorgeous, different, and beautifully crafted jewelry, please DO check out Nora Catherine. This is some of THE most beautifully designed jewelry I've seen in a long time. Some is pricey but some is very affordable. This gal is talented!
Ok, I guess that's it for this crazy week. I'll be stopping by to visit your blogs today to see how everyone's hold up! Hope your holiday season is THE very best, filled with love and LOTS of bling in your stockings!
I really love my "blow molds" - which I didn't even know they were called that until reading (& seeing) "Z-mama's" at her blog. She's got a great collection & I hope to expand mine in the future. My beautiful neice Colette gave me the Santa last year & I found Frosty the Snowman at the Goodwill for 5 bucks this year!
Last weekend was a special one - I took my granddaughter, the lovely growing-up-waaay-too-fast, Tessa Belle, on the Polar Express which is an annual (very special) event put on by the California Railroad Museum here in Sacramento. We went with other family members and oh what a wonderful experience! If you're local or anywhere in the area do try to do it sometime with your little ones. Most people (little & big alike) wear pajama's & slippers and the old train takes a nearly two hour trip down the tracks and re-enacts the movie with dancing and characters serving hot chocolate & cookies. It ends at the "North Pole" and Santa appears on the train to hand out bells to those who "believe". So here's me & my Miss Bella in our coordinating jammies & slippers on our way to a fun day, as well as a couple of other pics (of which I took HUNDREDS) on the train
(Once AGAIN, if ANYONE can tell me how to make a picture STRAIGHT, PLEEZE let me know! This drives me BATTY!)
Dancer serving cookies!
And dear old Santa handing out bells and lots of smiles!
One more Christmas note. Last year I was thinking it may be my Tessa's last year to "believe". I myself am a HUGE believer in the magic and spirit of Santa Claus and I've mourned each year when my babies "crossed over". Last year (as well as this year) Macy's put out a line of "Yes Virginia" items including a book and ornaments and I thought it would be a good thing for us to share and maybe give her a few more of those treasured Santa "moments" before she too crossed over. It is a beautiful book & story and includes a copy of the actual letter Virginia sent to the New York Sun newspaper editor as well as his answer. I also included my own note to her about keeping the "magic" in our hearts. She's not a believer this year (it has to happen sometime I guess) but she humors me because she thinks I AM ;- )
If you have a little "tweener" that's teetering on the edge of that magic, I so recommend this story to share. Even after the magic of Santa is gone, there is the memory of this that you shared.
Ok, I guess that's pretty close to "it" for now - however, as I mentioned in my last post I want to feature some of my favorite Etsy stores that I think would be great for holiday buying. I'm on the HUUUGE "Support American Small Business" this year - and in the future - so here's two stores I LOVE! I've purchased a beautiful set from Bonny & Clyde and don't let the name fool you! She makes gorgeous bath powders and skin care products. Check it out!
And if you have someone on your Christmas list that LOVES gorgeous, different, and beautifully crafted jewelry, please DO check out Nora Catherine. This is some of THE most beautifully designed jewelry I've seen in a long time. Some is pricey but some is very affordable. This gal is talented!
Ok, I guess that's it for this crazy week. I'll be stopping by to visit your blogs today to see how everyone's hold up! Hope your holiday season is THE very best, filled with love and LOTS of bling in your stockings!
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